Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday Afternoon Update on Jonesy

Today Jonesy is obviously feeling better than he was on Sunday, but the jury is still out on his overall health.

This is how he looked at the regular vet this morning, after I had picked him up from the Emergency Vet where he spent the night. The Emergency Vet gave him the awesomely cute bandana. He didn't seem to mind having that on his neck. What bothered him was the IV line thing wrapped around his leg.

He's at the regular vet all day for more tests, including ultrasounds of his kidney and heart. Then he has to spend the night in the ER again so they can keep giving him fluids and monitoring him.

Tomorrow we should know more about what's causing his issues, and if its fixable.

Jonesy looking tired and frustrated.

Loki has been confused by the lack of Jonesy. He's been sitting with me all day long as I've been working from home, and touching me most of the time.


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