Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 12: London, 12 May 2013 (Sunday)

So much for my trip to Cardiff. (Insert one Googol of curse words here) Now I'll just have to plan another trip to the UK. 8-)

I felt so sick I wound up staying in bed all day. I only left the room once to go downstairs to get new codes for the Internet and that was around 11pm. I just threw my jacket on over my pajamas. I didn't care what anyone thought.

I know Amy was looking forward to a day on her own, having no interest in joining me on the trip to Cardiff, so she ventured out to St Paul's Cathedral, even though it was a cold, dreary, rainy day.

I am very thankful that she went across the street to Tesco and brought me food. YAY! There was no restaurant in our hotel, nor room service. The only food to be had was the breakfast buffet. If it hadn't been for her bringing me food, I'm not sure I would have eaten at all.

Since the day was so gloomy, Amy stayed in after her trip to St. Paul's, and once I was awake enough to be coherent we chatted for a bit, then watched the BAFTA awards. Turns out they delay their broadcast by 30 minutes, and Amy got spoiled about some of the winners by the fans who were live-Tweeting from the event. I wasn't reading Twitter, so found out the winners as they were announced on telly. I was very happy to see that Ben Wishaw won for Richard II. Now I can't wait to see that! I hope I can find it on DVD before we leave. Yes, I know they'll be region 2. Hurray for region-free DVD players!

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